Corel Painter - программа созданная художниками для художников, открывает дверь в мир творчества. Впечатляющий набор кистей, текстур бумаги, масляных и акварельных красок, а также многое другое позволит вам воплотить в Painter свои творческие замыслы! Благодаря обширной поддержке различных форматов файлов можно продолжать работу над проектами, начатыми в других графических программах
Основные возможности Corel Painter - смешивание цветов для получения уникальных красок и оттенков;
- настройка формы кисти с помощью интерактивного инструмента Brush Creator.
- Используя Corel Painter вы можете видоизменить готовую кисть с помощью функции Randomizer, объединить две кисти с помощью функции Transposer или же детально настроить параметры кисти средствами Stroke Designer.
- создание несложных набросков и зарисовок, применяя эффект Sketch к цифровым фотографиям;
- рисование акварелью с помощью эффекта Digital Watercolor;
- Corel Painter содержит более 400 новых кистей, имитирующих более 30 реальных инструментов художника, включая акриловые краски, а[цензура]графы, кисти для смешивания красок, каллиграфические перья, мелки, уголь, цветные карандаши, пастель, ластики, фломастеры, гуашь, масляные краски и многие другие.
Самая реалистичная цифровая живопись
Система RealBristle™ является огромным шагом вперед в развитии цифровой живописи: при рисовании на планшете воссоздается ощущение работы с реальными красками и холстом
Передовые инструменты цифрового изобразительного искусства
Новые впечатляющие инструменты «Калейдоскоп» и «Зеркальное рисование» позволяют быстро создавать на холсте завораживающие узоры и цветовые переходы с сохранением симметрии и абсолютной точностью. Инструмент «Калейдоскоп» предлагается только в Painter!
Создан для удобства работы
Новый интерфейс упрощает выбор кистей, работу с библиотеками, управление цветами и настройку изображения. Высококачественная прорисовка изображения позволяет рассмотреть даже самые мелкие детали рисунка.
Идеальное дополнение других графических программ и устройств
Благодаря поддержке импорта файлов Photoshop с ними можно легко работать в Painter. При преобразовании файлов Photoshop в Painter цвета и слои сохраняются. Поддержка новейших планшетов Wacom® предоставляет художнику исключительную свободу для творчества.
Виртуальная фотолаборатория
• Улучшенная функция распознавания цвета при импорте из Adobe® Photoshop®, а также индивидуальные цветовые профили для каждого документа сделают передачу цвета более точной.
• Инструменты фотоживописи с технологией SmartStroke™ позволят творчески преобразить реальность.
• Настраиваемая текстура поверхности придаст вашему творению индивидуальность и позволит добиться уровня детализации, недоступного с другими средствами цифровой живописи и фотографии.
Обучение через эксперимент
• При помощи инструментов цифрового искусства вы сможете экспериментировать с цветом, композицией и мазками кистей без контакта с токсичными веществами, беспорядка и расходов, неизбежных при работе с традиционными материалами.
• Новые средства управления инструментами «Hard Media» дают художнику возможность экспериментировать снова и снова, добиваясь желаемого результата.
• «Умные» инструменты для создания ком[цензура], например «Золотое сечение» (Divine Proportion), «Правило третей» (Rule of Thirds) и «Правило пятых» (Rule of Fifths) помогут вам организовать пространство холста, чтобы композиция вашей картины была безупречна.
Brush Search engine
Find and select the perfect brush quickly and easily. Just type the name or properties of any brush and Painter will find it for you. The visual preview lets you ensure each brush is exactly what you're looking for.
Stroke preview
See exactly what each brush stroke will look like on your canvas. Preview brush parameters such as Mixing, Erasing, Blending and Jitter. The preview adjusts in real-time as you experiment with brushes and paper textures. No more test canvases required!
Advanced Brush Controls
Edit and optimize brushes with a few simple clicks. The new brush optimizer highlights the primary parameters of each brush. Plus, make more advanced edits and preview changes on the fly. Learning and working with brushes has never been easier.
Jitter brushes
Use pre-built Jitter brushes to simulate those random elements and "happy accidents" that can occur when using real world media. For added effect, customize the pre-built Jitter brushes further to create more organic, natural-looking art.
Jitter expression
Add Jitter to all your Painter brushes and adjust for brush expressions such as Opacity, Grain, Size, Angle and more! It's the perfect way to add a unique element of randomness to your art.
Perspective Guides
Accurately draw in a one-, two- or three-point perspective. Simply select your vanishing points and set your lines—your brush strokes will automatically snap to the grid. You can also save presets, change line colors and add additional guidelines.
Reference image
Find new inspiration by working with reference images directly within the Painter interface. Just drop your reference image anywhere onscreen without disrupting your workflow, plus instantly sample reference colors. It's the perfect way to stay inspired and creative!
Meet the artist Paint Jam sessions
Join us online for live talks with professional artists who offer insight into the challenges and triumphs they've experienced over the course of their careers. From finding inspiration, to the artistic process, these monthly sessions will enlighten and inspire you.
Cloning workflow
Work faster when cloning an image. Now you can view a project image and the cloning crosshairs on a source image at the same time! Plus, lightly edit source images and automatically save clone source data to your file.
Transform across multiple layers
Quickly select and transform multiple layers at one time. It's a time-saving enhancement that allows you to focus on your art and avoid the annoyance of having to cycle through numerous layers in a project.
Color set libraries and Mixers
Experience colors like never before. Choose the maximum number of colors to add to a new set from an Image, Layer, Selection or Mixer Pad. Plus, use new inspirational mixers for an entirely new way to work with colors.
Memory optimization
Enjoy enhanced speed and performance. Macs with 64-bit systems will automatically use all available memory when running Painter. Plus, PCs with large amounts of RAM can utilize new software speed enhancements. It's the ideal way to deal with memory-intensive tasks.
Brush Sharing and Management
Share Painter brushes in seconds! Email brushes, post them online or share via a USB device. The receiver simply double clicks on the file to launch Painter X3 and automatically import a brush, category or brush library.
RealBristle™ Media
Discover why RealBristle™ technology replicates traditional art materials more realistically than any other software. Work with oils, watercolors, chalks, markers, pencils and more! Control color intensity and shading by adjusting the angle and pressure of the pen on your tablet!
Flow Maps
Take control of how paint interacts with your canvas. Flow Maps offer a creative way to direct the flow of paint from Real Watercolor and Real Wet Oil brushes. For added effect, customize your own Flow Map textures and brushes.
Smart photo-painting tools
Transform photos into paintings by hand or let the Auto-Painting palette paint a photo for you. Painter features sophisticated SmartStroke™ brush technology that follows the lines and contours in a picture—just like a real artist would!
Customizable surface texturing
Give your art a level of texture and detail that no other digital painting software or photo-painting tools can match. Choose paper textures for your canvas or create and customize your own textures to produce truly unique artwork.
Agile brush control
Use shortcuts to instantly access brush settings. Change brush settings such as Size, Opacity, Squeeze and Angle. Using interactive controls you can make rapid adjustments from one centralized location, plus scalable resizing lets you preserve correct brush proportions.
Brush tracking
Save time and effort by customizing Painter to remember your touch. Brush tracking is an amazing feature that lets you instantly program Painter to save your preferred speed and pressure sensitivity for each individual brush.
Move and Copy Brush Variants within a Library
Work faster with the ability to move or copy a brush variant to any category simply by dragging the variant within the brush selector. Updated brush variants and category creation also offers more design flexibility and fewer steps when saving variants.
Temporal Color Palette
Change brush colors quickly and easily. Instantly bring up the Temporal Color Palette and select the colors you want without disrupting your workflow. The palette only sticks around for as long as you need it, keeping your workspace clutter free.
Custom palettes
Tailor Painter to the way you want to work. Create custom palettes for special projects as well as the workflows you use most. Once you create a custom palette it's saved from session to session for quick and easy use.
Workspace Creation and Management
Streamline your workflow with the ability to create, import and delete Workspaces. This versatile option lets you choose the Painter tools and features you use most and then create, save and share your custom workspaces.
Adobe Photoshop compatibility
Use built-in Adobe compatibility to easily preserve colors and layers when transferring files between Photoshop and Painter. Plus, take advantage of third-party Photoshop plug-ins to unlock even more creative possibilities on your Mac and PC*.
Wacom multi-touch pen tablet compatibility
Get full support for the entire Wacom product line, including Cintiq interactive pen displays and Intuos pen tablets. Wacom multi-touch support also allows you to navigate through the Painter interface using simple finger taps on your Wacom tablet.
Corel® Cinco for Painter
Work faster in Painter X3. Cinco is an app that lets you map commonly used buttons onto your Wifi-enabled iPad. Paint with one hand, cycle through customizable buttons and palettes with the other—all without taking your eyes off your work! Download Corel Cinco
Motion Gesture support
Discover a new hands-on artistic experience! Available in the Painter X3.1 Update, Painter® Freestyle™ is a new motion gesture system powered by Leap Motion that lets you use movements and gestures to access commands and paint using nothing but your hands!
Extensive file support
Enjoy full compatibility for a variety of industry-standard file formats, including: PNG, PSD, TIFF (CMYK & RGB), BMP, TGA, GIF, JPEG, MOV, AVI and FRM. You can also save files in an EPS format.
Multi-platform support
Get two platforms for the price of one! Painter X3 includes both Mac OS and Windows versions on the same disc. No matter what operating system you use, Painter has you covered!
Painter X3- Leading Paint Program • Hundreds of brushes, paper textures and paints
• Unparalleled realism with RealBristle™ technology
• New cloning and photo-painting tools
• Compatible with Wacom tablets and Photoshop
A complete art studio at your fingertips!No matter what kind of art you create, with Corel® Painter® X3 you'll find all the tools you need to unlock new artistic possibilities. Work with hundreds of customizable brushes, paper textures and wet and dry media that look and feel just like the real thing! RealBristle™ technology replicates traditional art supplies more realistically than any other software on the market. Download a FREE trial now and see for yourself why Painter is changing what's possible in art.
System Requirements:• Windows 8 (64-bit) or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) (with latest Service Pack)
• Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64 or AMD Opteron
• 2 GB RAM
• 450 MB hard disk space for application files*
• Mouse or tablet
• 1280 x 800 screen resolution
• DVD drive
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher
* Additional space may be required for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
Год выпуска: 2013
ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Язык интерфейса: English, Deutsch, Francais, Italiano
Лекарство: keygen-XFORCE
Размер: 134/138 Мб
Download/Скачать Corel Painter X3 x86