Sweet Home 3D - программа, предназначенная для проектирования интерьера. Sweet Home 3D поможет вам виртуально расставить мебель по комнатам вашего дома, выбирая наиболее удачное расположение элементов интерьера.Во время работы можно использовать 3D-модели, которые в большом количестве представлены на официальном сайте и доступны для бесплатной загрузки.
Sweet Home 3D дает возможность предварительного просмотра интерьера в 2D (вид сверху), а также может визуализировать конечный вариант расстановки мебели в 3D.
Программа Sweet Home 3D кроссплатформенна и может работать на операционных системах Windows, Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.6, Linux и Solaris, и переведена на 13 языков.
Основные возможности Sweet Home 3D:• Импорт отсканированного плана (blueprint) Вашего дома, как фонового рисунка,
• Рисование стены поверх фонового рисунка,
• Редактирование стены толщина, цвет, текстура,
• Добавление дверей и окон к плану Вашего дома, редактирование их характеристик,
• Добавление мебели к плану Вашего дома, также редактирование их характеристик. Со мен• ем добавление новых 3D образцов мебели,
• Рисование комнаты и изменение цвета и тектуры пола и потолка,
• Черчение размеров и добавлением подписи к объектам Вашего дома перед тем, как вывести на печать чертеж.
What's New in This Release:
• Added suport for round walls.
• Added 3D view > Store point of view... menu item to save the current point of view, and 3D view > Go to point of view menu to go back to a saved point of view.
• Added a compass displayed in the plan as a compass rose and associated to the geographic location of the home.
• Improved photo rendering at the two best quality levels (windows and images transparency support, sun orientation depending on the chosen hour and date, - lights management, matt / shiny appearance of surfaces).
• Added 5 lights and 8 colored light sources to the default furniture catalog.
• Displayed selected light sources with wireframe spheres in the 3D view.
• Changed the indicator and the behavior of the bottom left corner of lights to be able to update their light power.
• Added the Keep proportions option to furniture modification dialog to keep furniture proportions when their size is edited.
• Added the Part of base plan option to furniture modification dialog to be able to lock a piece of furniture when the base plan is locked.
• Included all non movable furniture in the locked plan.
• Improved the computing of shadows on the floor of 3D models containing many vertices to avoid the program to hang at the second quality photo rendering level.
• Improved the computing of the max altitude and the 3D rendering in Aerial view mode.
• Updated wrong normals values in some 3D models of the default catalog to improve their rendering.
• Added a cross hatch pattern for walls.
• Print / Copy / Export of the background image if it's displayed in the plan.
• Managed saving of homes data at regular time intervals in a private folder, with automatic recovery of homes in case the program crashed.
• Added automatic deletion of temporary files created by Sweet Home 3D older than a week.
• Kept shapes prefix of furniture exported at OBJ format, to restore prefixed shapes properties correctly at reimporation time.
• Saved Sweet Home 3D preferences in a file independent from Operating System preferences to simplify the transfer of Sweet Home 3D configuration to an other computer.
• Added com.eteks.sweethome3d.preferencesFolder and com.eteks.sweethome3d.applicationFolders system properties to set the folders where are stored Sweet - Home 3D preferences and SH3F, SH3T, SH3L and SH3P files.
• Increased the recent files maximum count to 10.
• Waited for a first move of the mouse pointer before duplicating selected items when the ctrl key (or alt key under Mac OS X) is pressed.
• Improved items move with the mouse when they are very small in the plan.
• Increased the moves of selected items in the plan when the keyboard arrows are pressed with the shift key.
• Reversed the effect of pressing the shift key for moves in the 3D view.
• Correction de bugs qui empechaient le bon affichage des sols des pieces qui se chevauchent.
• Updated help pages (only in English and French in this version).
• Removed the ID column from the columns list displayed in Furniture Library Editor.
• Replaced JRE 6u21 by JRE 6u22 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
• Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.
Год выпуска: 2010
Версия: для Windows - 3.0
Версия: для Mac OS X и Linux - 2.6Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7, Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.6, Linux и Solaris
Язык интерфейса: ML / русский
Лекарство/Medical: не требуется (Freeware)
Размер: 30,59