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Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis - All Clear 2. Listening and Speaking (Book with Answer Key)

Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis - All Clear 2. Listening and Speaking (Book with Answer Key)

All Clear teaches students to recognize and produce the high-frequency idioms, phrases, and contemporary expressions needed in a range of conversational situations. Each lesson focuses initially on chunks of language in the form of idioms and other expressions (collocations) and then provides many structured and communicative activities for speaking, listening, grammar, writing, pronunciation, and public speaking practice.

Название: All Clear 2. Listening and Speaking (Book with Answer Key)
Автор: Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis
Язык: Английский
Издательство: Heinle ELT
Жанр: Обучение, Английский язык
Год: 2007
Формат: pdf, wma
Страниц: 240
Размер: 125,10 МБ

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