Главная > Безопасность > WinPatrol PLUS 25.6.2012.1 Final + Rus
WinPatrol PLUS 25.6.2012.1 Final + Rus20-09-2012, 09:51. Разместил: Grace |
WinPatrol - утилита позволяет контролировать установку злонамеренных программ на вашем компьютере. Программа контролирует важные системные области (область загрузки, системные папки, реестр), которые обычно изменяются злонамеренными программами. С помощью программы вы можете остановить процесс и отключить/разрешить starup программы. Программа также позволят контролировать куки, удалять, их основываясь на ключевом слове. WinPatrol отслеживает и уничтожает в операционной системе различные шпионские модули и вредоносные программы типа Adware и Spyware, находит и обезвреживает некоторые типы вирусов-троянов, саморазмножающиеся вирусы и программы, представляющие угрозу для конфиденциальности компьютерной информации. WinPatrol следит за изменениями, происходящими в браузере и не допускает установки в него различных баров и шпионских модулей. Конечно, эта программа не защитит ваш компьютер полностью от различных напастей, но послужит хорошим дополнением к надёжному антивирусу и файрволлу. Here are some key features: · Increase Your Speed & System Performance · Detect & Neutralize Spyware. Detect & Neutralize ADware · Detect & Neutralize Viral infections. Detect & Neutralize Unwanted IE Add-Ons · Detect & Restore File Type Changes Automatically Filter Unwanted Cookies · Avoid Start Page Hijacking. Detect HOSTS file changes · Kill Multiple Tasks that replicate each other, in a single step · Stop programs that repeatedly add themselves to your Startup List · Delete and Remove the most Stubborn Infections Changelog: Minor Update for Windows XP 32 bit systems to fix RegDeleteKeyEx error * Fixed Multiple Alerts When Startup Removed One of the newest features of WinPatrol 25 is letting users know if a Startup program had been removed without their knowledge. Unfortunately, occasionally a bug appeared that once the initial warning appeared, WinPatrol continued to warn about the removal of other programs which still existed in the list of Startup Programs. * Windows 7 Performance Boost WinPatrol has always worked well with all versions of Windows including Windows 7, this version takes better advantage of performance ability available to Windows 7 users. * Multiple Add/Remove Uninstall Entries When checking the Uninstall list using the Add/Remove or Uninstall applet, WinPatrol may have retained previous versions. This version will remove past entries that exist. * License Agreement Info In the past the license agreement for various WinPatrol versions were not clearly stated and easy to find on our website. The new setup program includes a description of the Free, PLUS, Family Pack and special licenses. Users will now see how unique WinPatrol is and what few restrictions exist. * Scotty Barking at Random This has been a long time unexplainable quirk that never made sense. Reports of Scotty barking with no alert should be a thing of the past. * IE Helper Enhanced Some IE Helpers may have been missed on some machines. They will all now be properly displayed. * Uninstall Enhancements While we now have a stand alone WinPatrolRemove program, this version includes an Uninstaller that works much better than our past embarrassments. Improvements to the WinPatrol Uninstall program will now removed registry entries that gave incorrect screen positions when multiple monitors were used. We'll also remove any language packs which you may have installed in error. * Explorer Menu Integration While some users may still not have the full privileges, most users will be able to look up PLUS Info for EXE's and DLL's directly from the right-click menu on Explorer file lists. Год выпуска: 2012 ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 Язык интерфейса: Английский + русификатор Лекарство: Keygen-AT4RE Размер: 1 Мб Download/Скачать WinPatrol PLUS 25.6.2012.1 Final + Rus Вернуться назад |