Password Vault Manager Enterprise - представляет собой продукт, используемый для управления всеми вашими паролями и вашей конфиденциальной информацией. Держите номера кредитных карт, банковские счета, ваши серийные номера или коды в организованной и защищенной базе данных. Поделитесь с членами команды только тем, что они должны знать и сохраняйте ваши данные в безопасности.
Password Vault Manager Enterprise - программа, которая может управлять всеми вашими паролями, секретными кодами и вообще, любой секретной информацией. Может хранить номер вашей кредитки, банковский счет, серийный номер или супер секретный ключ-код от квартиры с деньгами в самой зашифрованной и в самой защищенной базе данных. Имеется возможность дать доступ пользователям только к определенной информации, закрыв, при этом, доступ к основной базе. Пусть они знают только то, что должны знать. Короче, если кто ищет защищенное хранилище для своей супер секретной информации, то вот вам для этого самая подходящая программа. Программа переведена на несколько языков, включая русский.
Password ManagerOur application integrates an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to protect your local files and your sensitive data in the database. A mix of our own private key and a master password (passphrase) is used to create a strong encryption key (256-bit key).
This cipher is regarded as being very secure. AES/Rijndael became effective as a U.S. Federal government standard and is approved by the National Security Agency (NSA) for top secret information.
Web Browser Integration
Automatically fill web forms
Browser extension (Internet Explorer / Google Chrome / Firefox)
Import Passwords From Multiple Applications
Already using a password management tool? No worries, you can easily import your credentials.
We now support a wide variety of password tools including:1Password
AES Password Manager
Aurora Password Manager
Password Agent
Password Depot
Password Safe
Powerful and Flexible User InterfaceDocking and UI customization
New UI with ribbon interface
Tree list with columns support (host, description, username)
Tab page coloring settings
Minimum Requirements- Windows Vista SP2, 7 SP1, 8, 8.1 or 10
- Windows Server 2008 SP2, 2008 R2 SP1, 2012, 2012 R2 or 2016
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
- 1 Ghz processor
- 512MB RAM
- 1024 x 768 screen resolution
- 500+ MB hard drive space
Added "User activity" report from the user grid
Added a Checkout/checkin system
Added a Move permission
Added an option to exclude an entry from the offline
Added the documentation feature
Added the multi monitor support for the tabbed view
Added time based usage settings
Improved the password strength validation with Zxcvbn
Added "All Entries" tab in Permissions and Security Group reports
Added "Download URL" field in Serial (software) data entry
Added "Equivalent URLs" in Login (Web) and Login (Account) data entry types
Added "Go Offline" button in DVLS
Added a create database setting dialog
Added a data source setting to allow the local templates
Added a Lock when editing an entry
Added a permission to View the Entry History
Added a root setting to hide the note in Information
Added a Shared Security Provider v2 with save in registry support
Added an option to remove the close button in the tab page
Added an UI clue when prompting for offline credentials
Added Checkout setting to batch edit
Added Create repository with restricted access default setting
Added datasource setting "Allow virtual folders"
Added datasource settings option to select a default password template
Added filters to Users/Locked Users/Roles/Groups/Repositories
Added Html editor document (markdown)
Added log for password history clearing
Added Password Analyzer for private vault entries
Added tag list in the dashboard
Added Template and Password template permissions
Added the Generate button for the password text field
Added the View Password History from the password fields
Added undocked toolbar in the tab page to dock, close or focus the content
Adding possibility for custom provider url in Amazon S3 entry and data source
Changed the password analyzer to be embedded (non modal)
Changed the tabbed view container to allow minimize and maximized
Deprecated by default the RTF everywhere (use mark down instead)
Improved the permission editor
Minor UI improvements
Removed the data entry multi types support
Fixed a possible issue with Edit my account information invalid email when closing the window
Fixed a possible issue with the offline mode cancel
Fixed a WebDAV datasource delete issue
Fixed an issue where RDM was stuck in a windows login loop when DVLS server was unavailable
Fixed an issue with the search result sort order
Fixed an issue with the sort of the password strength in password analyser
Fixed an offline issue with Windows authentication user
Fixed possible unlock issue with SQL Server data source when using Azure AD
Fixed some possible crashes
Fixed some possible issues where offline edit/delete/add changes may be lost when going back online
Fixed some possible issues with the offline mode
Fixed the disable custom image in tray icons issue
Fixed WebDav data source incorrectly setting up a Master Key

Информация о программе:Год выпуска: 2017
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/Vista SP2/7
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русский
Лекарство: keygen-DVT
Размер файла: 120.00 MB
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